
Failedtogetgamedatafromtheserver解决方法:.关掉VPN就能正常进入游戏了。但进去应该是不显示地图的,切出游戏,再打开VPN进游戏 ...,IfPokemonGofailstogetgamedatafromtheserver,youcanfixitbyreconnectingtotheinternet,reinstallingtheapp,orclearingthecache.,TouchStorage>Apps>PokémonGO,andTouchClearDataandthenClearCache.Makesurethatyourdevice'stimeanddateissettoautomatic ...,Haveyoutriedtologinwitha...

精灵宝可梦GO failed to get game data from the server怎么办

Failed to get game data from the server解决方法:. 关掉VPN就能正常进入游戏了。但进去应该是不显示地图的,切出游戏,再打开VPN进游戏 ...

Pokemon Go

If Pokemon Go fails to get game data from the server, you can fix it by reconnecting to the internet, reinstalling the app, or clearing the cache.

Failed to get game data from server , New Ban Wave?

Touch Storage > Apps > Pokémon GO, and Touch Clear Data and then Clear Cache. Make sure that your device's time and date is set to automatic ...

Failed to get game data from server??

Have you tried to login with a different smartphone? If not I would suggest that you try with an expensive one like Galaxy S7+ or iPhone6+. If those have enough ...

RE:【問題】誤鎖? @Pokemon GO 哈啦板

... Pokemon and couldn't resolve it, so I restarted my game. When I reloaded I received a Failed to get game data from server error and couldn't ...

【教學】登入Pokémon GO 提示無法獲得遊戲數據?教你如何讓官方 ...

確認收到官方的自動回覆(代表準備審核你的帳號,需要等待24 – 48 小時)。當審核完畢的時候Pokemon GO 會再次向你寄出Email 告訴你,你的遊戲帳號是否已經 ...

Failed to get game Data : rTheSilphRoad

Check your internet connection. Clear cache and data(i think unistalling does this part) If this didn't work then your account got banned. Sorry ...

Hi guys.how can i fix failed to get game data from server

I get this issue all the time, the only way to fix it is to connect through WiFi again. Then data will work fine. Anyone know what I could do to solve this?

Pokemon Go failed to get game data怎么回事解决方法

首先failed to get game date from the server意思大致是说无法从服务器获取游戏信息。 ... Pokemon Go failed to get game data怎么回事解决方法. 出现了这个英文就是 ...